Many are aware that Sattakadir is published continuously for the past 12 years. Tamils who are living not only in Tamilnadu, but also in other states of India and abroad buy Sattakadir and get legal education and knowledge through people language of Tamil.
It has been decided to conduct meetings all over the world to introduce Sattakadir to the Tamils living in different parts of the World. As a first step, the first introductory meeting of Sattakadir and Sattakadir website was held in the Tan Sri Soma auditorium in the National land, Finance Cooperative Society Ltd. building at Kuala Lumpur on the 20th of June 2005 at 6.30 pm.
In this function, Dato Sri Samivelu, Hon’ble Minister of Works, Government of Malaysia and the President of the Malaysian Indian Congress took part as the chief guest and introduced Sattakadir and Sattakdir Website to the people of Malaysia. He expressed his happiness over the publication of Sattakadir for the past 12 years and also for the growth it has attained with every passing day. In this meeting, many Malaysian Tamils spontaneously came forward and enrolled as subscribers and handed over the filled in subscription forms to the Hon’ble Minister. The Minister Dato Sri.Samivelu donated Rupees Eleven thousand as a token of gesture, to support Sattakadir.
Tan Sri Somasundaram, the Executive Chairman of the National land and Finance Cooperative Society Ltd., presided over the function. In his speech, he informed how he has been reading Sattakadir after becoming a life member and how the views expressed are helpful to the lives of the people.
In this celebration Mr.Rm.Veerappan, the former Minister of Tamil Nadu Mr.R.Gandhi, Senior Advocate and President of Madras Bar Association, Chennai, Mr.D.P. Vijayendran, the popular Malaysian Advocate felicitated Satakadir for its services. They also had a word of praise for its founder Editor Dr.V.R.S.Sampath for his untiring efforts. Dr.V.R.S. Sampath, the Editor of Sattakadir, responded by thanking one and all for the support and encouragement he received over the years.
In this meeting, Dato Subramaniam, the former Minister and the Vice President of Malaysian Indian Congress, Dato Veerasingham, the Malaysian Deputy Minister, Mrs.Jaya Parthiban Malaysian Senator, Mr. Gingee Ramachandran, Former Minister of State for Finance, Government of India, Kavinjar Ravi Bharathi, Mr.Umapathy Karunakaran, Proprietor of Anand Theatre Chennai, Mr.Ku. Sa Perumal , Malaysian journalist, Mr.T.K.S. Villalan, Professor from Pachayappa’s College Chennai, Dato Krishnan, Dato Subramanian, Dato Vadivelu, Board of Directors of National Land and Finance Co-operative Society Ltd., former Senator Dato V.K.Thiagarajan, Mr.Rajamani, General Manager of Vanavill Austro Television and several Advocates and general public took part in the function and expressed their felicitations in support of Sattakadir.
Dato Sagadevan, the Chief Executive Officer of National land and Finance Cooperative Society Ltd, shouldered the responsibility of conducting the meeting and its connected expenses and also gave the welcome speech. Mr.Manivasagan, the working committee member of the Malaysian Indian National Congress proposed the vote of thanks.
A function to introduce Satta Kadir, the law and human rights journal (Tamil) and website - -to the Malaysian tamils will be held at So.Ma. Hall, NLFC Building, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Monday, the 20th June 2005 at 6.00 p.m
TAN SRI DATO’ K.R. SOMASUNDRAM, Executive Chairman, National Land Finance Co-operative Society Ltd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Will preside.
HON’BLE DATO’ SERI S.SAMY VELLU, Minister of Works, Government of Malaysia, Will introduce the ‘Satta Kadir’ Journal and website to the Malaysian Tamils.
MR. D.P. VIJANDRAN, Senior Advocate, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, MR. R. GANDHI, Senior Advocate, Madras High Court, Chennai, India, DATUK B. SAHADEVAN, Chief Executive, National Land Finance C-operative Society Ltd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Will felicitate.
DR. V.R.S. SAMPATH, Editor, Satta Kadir Law and Human Rights Journal, Chennai, India Will speak on the occasion.
SATTA KADIR, the law and human rights journal in Tamil, celebrated its 12th anniversary by launching its own website and introducing awards for best law book writing and publishing, at a grand function held at New Woodlands Hotel, Chennai, on Sunday, the 27th of February 2005. The function was well attended by personalities from various walks of life, especially the legal fraternity. Representatives of several newspapers and TV channels covered the function.
A music concert by Ms.Kamath for about an hour preceded the meeting which started around noon with an invocation in Tamil, followed by the welcome address by Dr.V.R.S.Sampath, editor & publisher of Satta Kadir. Apart from welcoming all the dignitaries on stage, and the audience, he explained that he had to put in tremendous effort to bring out Satta Kadir during the last twelve years. He had received no monetary help whatsoever from the Central or State governments and he thanked his friends and well wishers whose donations had helped him in times of need. He said that it required double the effort to publish such a law journal since all court proceedings are in English and everything had to be translated accurately. With the launching of the website he hoped the readership will expand in leaps. He said his objective in instituting the awards was to encourage more legal writing and publishing in Tamil.
Justice K.G.Balakrishnan of the Supreme Court of India presided over the meeting and presented the awards to three law book writers and one publisher. Dr.Swaminathan introduced the awardees, who were:
Dr.Chockalingam for his book “Kuttraviyal” (Criminology)
Prof.Chandrasekharan for his book “Arasamaippu” (Constitutional law in India)
Pulamai Venkatachalam for his book “Urumai Iyal- vicharana sattam” (Civil procedure code)
Sitaram & Co. for best law book publishing
In his short and crisp address, Justice Balakrishnan appreciated Dr. Sampath’s efforts in bringing out such a journal, since all legal proceedings were in English and a Tamil version will enable it to reach more people. He said that the Central and State governments should certainly help Dr.Sampath in his efforts.
Justice AR Lakshmanan of the Supreme Court of India officially launched the Satta Kadir website and it was displayed on a screen. The March issue of the journal could be seen on the screen. Dr.Sampath went through the different pages of the website and what it included. In his keynote address, Justice Lakshmanan traveled down memory lane and recalled that it was he who had launched the journal twelve years ago, and was present at its 10th anniversary celebrations too. He said he was extremely happy to be present at the launching of the website. He expressed his appreciation for the excellent standard of Satta Kadir and the fact that it had been published without a break and on time, without any financial help from any source. He suggested that every court in Tamilnadu should have the journal in its library.
The special address was delivered by the Shri.K.Venkatapathy, Union Minister for Law. He spoke at length about the richness of the Tamil language, giving several examples, and mentioned that Tamil had recently been recognized as one of the classical languages of the world. He congratulated Dr.Sampath for rendering such a noble service to the Tamil language and its people by publishing such a journal and promised that his ministry would extend help any kind (including financial). He felt that the State Government should see to it that Satta Kadir was distributed to all district libraries so that the advocates and judges of even the lower courts had access to it.
Then followed felicitations by Justice R.Gandhi (Chairperson of the Bar Council of Tamilnadu), Shri.Avvai Natarajan (former Vice-Chancellor of Tanjavur Tamil University), Padmasri Nalli Kuppuswami Chetty (industrialist), Shri A.Natarajan (former Director Doordarshan Chennai) and Dr.P.Jagadeesan (former Vice-Chancellor of Bharatidasan University). All of them were full of praise for Dr.V.R.S.Sampath whose tireless efforts and perseverance had been responsible for bringing out this law journal in Tamil ...a remarkable achievement indeed. With the launching of the website, another feather in Dr.Sampath’s cap, the journal had become accessible to Tamilians around the world and it would definitely prove beneficial in enlightening the common man on legal matters.
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram, Advocate gave the vote of thanks, wherein he specially thanked Shri. Nalli Kuppuswami Chetty who had sponsored the function. The National Anthem concluded the meeting, but the guests were treated to a sumptuous lunch afterwards.
Justice Ratnavel Pandiyan, Retd Judge Supreme Court of India, Mr. Muhamed Sagi, Former Member of Parliament, Mr. Krishnaswamy, Former Member of Parliament, Prof. Balasubramaniyam, Former Member of TNPSC, Prof. Naganathan, Mr. Abhu Bukker and many Advocates, Social Workers, Industrialists, businessmen, academicians participated in the function.
A special event to mark the 10th anniversary of 'Sattakadir' was held at the Mandapam Hall of Chola Sheraton on the 1st of March, 2002. Honourable Justice Thiru AR. Lakshmanan, Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court presided over the event.
Honourable Justice Thiru B.Subashan Reddy, the Chief Justice of Madras High Court, who was scheduled to release the special issue, had sent a special message to Dr.V.R.S. Sampath, Editor and Publisher of Sattakadir.
Dr.Avvai Natarajan, Former Vice-Chancellor, Thiru R.Gandhi, Senior Advocate, Thiru G.Ranganathan, Member, TNPSC and Thiru R.Veeramani, National Chairman, Indo-American Chamber of Commerce felicitate.
Thiru Nalli Kuppuswamy Chetty, Chairman, Nalli House, Thiru A.L.Somayaji, Senior Advocate, Thirumathi Bader Sayeed, Chair person, Tamil Nadu Wakf Board, Dr.S.Ramamoorthy, Chairman, Malar Hospital, Thiru B.G.Ragupathy, Chairman, GEA Group of Companies and Thiru T.Selvaraj received the copies. Thiru R.Viduthalai, Advocate proposed the vote of thanks and Thiru G.Sundaravadivelu, Advocate, co-ordinated the function.
'Law and Society', a new book written by Dr. V.R.S. Sampath, the Editor and Publisher of Sattakadir, was released at the Russian Cultural Centre in Chennai on July 27, 2004.
In an event attended my various dignitaries, the book was released by the Honourable Union Minister of State for Law, Mr. K. Venkatapathy and the first copy was received by Tan Seri Dat Dr. R.Somasundaram, Executive Chairman, National Land, Finance Co-operative Society, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.
Honourable Justice Mr.A.K.Rajan, Dr. Mrs.Nagabhushanam, the first Vice-Chancellor of Dr.Ambedkar Law University, Dr.M.Muthuvel, Professor, Government Law College, Chennai, Dr.Henry Thiagrajan, the President of Human Rights Education Movement, Dr.R.Kannan, the UN Officer in Cyprus, Dr.Naganathan, Professor at Madras University, Dr.Balasubramaniam, former member, TNPSC, Mr.G.Masilamani, Senior Advocate, Prof.R.V.Dhanapalan, Chairperson, Central Law College, Salem, Prof. A.Kanagaraj, Educationist and Chairperson of Jaya group of institutions and Mr.R.Gandhi, Senior Advocate spoke on the occasion.
A special event to mark the 10th anniversary of 'Sattakadir' was held at the Mandapam Hall of Chola Sheraton on the 1st of March, 2002. Honourable Justice Thiru AR. Lakshmanan, Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court presided over the event.
Honourable Justice Thiru B.Subashan Reddy, the Chief Justice of Madras High Court, who was scheduled to release the special issue, had sent a special message to Dr.V.R.S. Sampath, Editor and Publisher of Sattakadir.
Dr.Avvai Natarajan, Former Vice-Chancellor, Thiru R.Gandhi, Senior Advocate, Thiru G.Ranganathan, Member, TNPSC and Thiru R.Veeramani, National Chairman, Indo-American Chamber of Commerce felicitate.
Thiru Nalli Kuppuswamy Chetty, Chairman, Nalli House, Thiru A.L.Somayaji, Senior Advocate, Thirumathi Bader Sayeed, Chair person, Tamil Nadu Wakf Board, Dr.S.Ramamoorthy, Chairman, Malar Hospital, Thiru B.G.Ragupathy, Chairman, GEA Group of Companies and Thiru T.Selvaraj received the copies. Thiru R.Viduthalai, Advocate proposed the vote of thanks and Thiru G.Sundaravadivelu, Advocate, co-ordinated the function.
Dr.Rajendran, the Director of Tamil Development, Government of Tamil Nadu, hands over the award from the State Government for Sattakadir for the year 1999 to Dr.V.R.S. Sampath is the editor and publisher of the magazine